Member Events

Member Office Hours: Focus on Workforce + FloatingSeptember 26, 2024 | 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET

Do you have questions about the U.S offshore wind market? Curious about Oceantic Network’s perspective on the supply chain? Join us this week to connect with Ross Gould, vice president for supply chain development and research. Ross’ area of expertise includes workforce development, floating offshore wind, supply chain, offshore wind in New York, and the general state of the market. Members are invited to pop in for a quick question or a lengthy discussion – it’s up to you! This new benefit is free for members, but advance registration is required.

Image for Member Office Hours: Focus on Workforce + Floating

Member Office Hours: Focus on Great Lakes + Gulf of MexicoOctober 3, 2024 | 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET

Do you have questions about the U.S offshore wind market? Curious about Oceantic Network’s perspective on the supply chain? Join us this week to connect with Sam Salustro, senior vice president of policy. Sam’s area of expertise includes policy, the Gulf of Mexico, Great Lakes, and general state of the market. Members are invited to pop in for a quick question or a lengthy discussion – it’s up to you! This new benefit is free for members, but advance registration is required.

Image for Member Office Hours: Focus on Great Lakes + Gulf of Mexico

Member Office Hours: Focus on Ports + West CoastOctober 10, 2024 | 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET

Do you have questions about the U.S offshore wind market? Curious about Oceantic Network’s perspective on the supply chain? Join us this week to connect with Nancy Kirshner-Rodriguez, senior director for policy and outreach. Nancy’s area of expertise includes policy, port development, and the West Coast. Members are invited to pop in for a quick question or a lengthy discussion – it’s up to you! This new benefit is free for members, but advance registration is required.

Image for Member Office Hours: Focus on Ports + West Coast

Global Insights: Japan’s Offshore Wind MarketOctober 3, 2024 | 5:00-6:15pm ET

Curious about offshore wind in Japan? Join Oceantic Network and the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) for a member-only webinar to learn the latest updates about Japan’s offshore wind capabilities, supply chain opportunities, and available support to enter the Japanese market.

Image for Global Insights: Japan’s Offshore Wind Market

Member Breakfast MarylandOctober 10, 2024 | Upper Marlboro, MD

Join fellow Oceantic Network members for breakfast and conversation at our quarterly Maryland Member Breakfast at Eastern Atlantic States Carpenters. The event is free to attend, but advance registration is required.

Do you know a company or organization who is interested in getting involved in offshore wind or curious about the Oceantic Network? Please invite them to breakfast so that they can learn more and meet other Maryland organizations involved in the industry (please have them register).

Image for Member Breakfast Maryland

Member Office Hours: Focus on Supply ChainOctober 17, 2024 | 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET

Do you have questions about the U.S offshore wind market? Curious about Oceantic Network’s perspective on the supply chain? Join us this week to connect with Sam Tirone, manager for supply chain research. Sam’s area of expertise includes the offshore wind supply chain, supplier contracts, and supply chain data. Members are invited to pop in for a quick question or a lengthy discussion – it’s up to you! This new benefit is free for members, but advance registration is required.

Image for Member Office Hours: Focus on Supply Chain

Member Happy Hour at WorkboatNovember 11, 2024 | New Orleans, LA

Join fellow members for happy hour and conversation at Oceantic Network’s Member Happy Hour at Workboat. The gathering takes place Monday, November 11 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Mulate’s (Teche Room), 201 Julia Street, New Orleans. The event is free to attend, but advance registration is required.

Image for Member Happy Hour at Workboat

Leadership 100December 12, 2024 | Cambridge, MA

The annual Leadership 100 Summit gathers U.S. offshore wind leaders for an intimate working meeting to identify the industry’s pressing, shared challenges and develop action plans to continue growing a robust U.S. offshore wind industry and supply chain. Invite-only.

Image for Leadership 100

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